5 Signs That Your Kauai Landscape Needs A Facelift

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5 Signs That Your Kauai Landscape Needs A FaceliftAfter a while, every property can use landscape enhancements beyond general maintenance to keep the grounds looking fresh, relevant and inviting. Kauai commercial property owners who recognize that their landscapes should be dynamic and change with the times might invest in new plants or a modern addition, such as a water feature or seating space,.

Think about it this way: Every so often, you probably add a new accessory or shirt — maybe an entire outfit — to your wardrobe. Keeping your appearance updated makes feel confident, and other people notice.

The same is true for your commercial property’s landscape. Even small enhancements give your landscape a shot of “new” that pays off on the bottom line, drawing in people who will spend.

Your Kauai commercial property does not need an extreme makeover to stay up-to-date. But an annual property assessment to prioritize areas that need refining, or an overhaul, will keep the grounds on a cycle of continuous improvement.

Just as important, regular landscape upgrades will show others that you care about the property and want to maximize the value of guests’ experience.

Not sure if your landscape needs an upgrade? Here are 5 signs that your Kauai property could benefit from a tune-up.

Worn-Down Walkways

5 Signs That Your Kauai Landscape Needs A FaceliftPreserving your property’s first impression starts with paying close attention to entry features like walkways that guide guests throughout your grounds.

Pathways should look polished, and any pavers or stone that require repairs should be tended to immediately for safety and aesthetic reasons.

The last thing you want is for a guest to trip and fall (and potentially file a lawsuit) because you neglected that crumbling surface.

Weeds Taking Over

Weeds are ugly. Not only do they spoil curb appeal, they take over plant beds and choke out beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees that you want to thrive. Meanwhile, the warm, wet climate on some areas of Kauai can jumpstart weed growth. Take a break from regular maintenance, and these bad guys fill in quickly.

Controlling weed growth is much easier when done on a consistent basis, but if your beds are in a tangle, the landscape will require a major weed clean-out effort, followed by a maintenance plan to keep weeds in check and plants healthy and strong.

Overgrown Plant Material

undefined-576833-edited-455007-editedRegular pruning as part of a comprehensive maintenance plan will prevent trees and shrubs from encroaching on walkways, patios and other outdoor spaces where dangling or extending limbs can present a safety risk. Consider the potential hazard of ignoring coconut tree pruning. Coconuts falling from 100-foot or taller palm trees can cause fatal injuries.

Shaped-up shrubs and neatly trimmed trees lend a polished look to a landscape, giving visitors the distinct impression that details are important to you. This is an important message to send to those who work, shop or live on your property.  

Tired Turfgrass

Kauai’s weather whims can stress out grass. Not to mention, there are some properties planted with grass varieties that are not designed to thrive on our island. And, some owners may overlook proper fertilization to save on cost.

Whatever the reason for turf stress, addressing the appearance and health of your lawn is a top priority because it acts as a canvas for the landscape on so many properties. There’s no hiding grass that’s suffering from weed or disease infestation, or is just hungry for vital nutrients.

The solution is to adopt a lawn care program that will rejuvenate the grass and give it the “food” it needs to thrive on Kauai. The lawn may require renovation by dethatching the lawn to remove excess thatch (a buildup can prevent air, water and nutrients from reaching roots), and then overseeding to promote new growth.

We can talk about the best way to address lawn health and put a program in place so you can somewhat costly lawn repairs that occur from maintenance neglect.

The Design Is Outdated

5 Signs That Your Kauai Landscape Needs A FaceliftMaybe the seating areas and paver gathering spaces for guests worked before. But does the design still functional for your Kauai property? Do walkways usher visitors along a safe, logical and appealing path through your property? Does the design need to be polished and enhanced with a modern focal point, such as a water feature or centerpiece planting bed filled with the latest plant introductions for the Kauai climate?

Even well-maintained landscapes that are cared for by a landscape contractor need to be updated with new features to keep the grounds looking relevant and attractive for the people who visit, shop and work on the commercial property.  

Hit The Reset Button On Your Landscape?

Let’s review your existing landscape and pinpoint some areas of improvement that can make an instant impact on the overall appearance of your Kauai property.

Call us any time at 808-335-5887, or fill out our simple contact form and we’ll get in touch with you!

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